What it’s like to be a Student Volunteer at Progate?

All about volunteering at Progate

Mansi Jain
5 min readDec 23, 2020

About me

Hello readers, I am Mansi Jain, a Sophomore at Amity University, Noida and currently I am a Community Enabler at Progate. Earlier, I was a Student Volunteer at Progate for a duration of two months.

What is Progate?

Progate is an online platform for beginners to learn programming. It offers a fully equipped coding environment to learn programming languages like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Java, Python, and more. Started in Japan, Progate has over 1.5 million learners from 100+ countries.

Source: Progate

People at Progate are dedicated to helping you realize your full programming potential. They don’t only give you a learning foundation but also support you in the world of programming.

Empowering everyone to open new doors through programming.

What is a Student Volunteer?

Student volunteers are an integral part of all activities on university and college campuses, volunteers are the workforce that makes campus life happen. A large majority of students who volunteer are motivated by a desire to improve things or help people. Volunteering provides a unique opportunity for students during their time at university to make a difference to their local community, as well as developing their skills.

As a student volunteer at Progate, you can help students in India to learn new tech skills and get hands-on experience in building an active coders community. Also, you will get a chance to upgrade by skilling yourself along with Progate.

Be the gate, be the path -Progate

How to apply to become a student volunteer at Progate?

I came to know about the student volunteer program at Progate from Aditya Oberai who is a User Research Intern at Progate & also a great mentor. I saw it as a great opportunity to make a difference in my local community.

Source: Progate (Linkedin)

So, I filled the application form which is available on Progate Website. The form basically asked for my personal details and why I wanted to become a student volunteer, then I worked as a volunteer for about a week as a trial to show whether I could create significant growth in the Progate community. Based on my performance, I was then accepted & invited to join the Student Volunteer program, and that’s how I started my journey at Progate.

Invitation mail received from Progate

How I contributed as a Student Volunteer?

1.) Hosted Learning Session

Learning Session Meeting

Progate helped me in hosting my first ever event. It was a learning session on ‘Getting started with Git’. Since it was my first session the participation was not that huge. Around 30 people registered for the event but those few people who attended the session helped me in making the session a success.
After the session, I received an amazing response from all the attendees. It was a learning session for me too.

2.) Shared about three days of virtual java training

Students who registered for the Three Days Virtual Training on Java were given free access to all the Java lessons on progate for three days.

3.) Shared about 40 hours of HTML & CSS

Those who registered for 40 Hours of HTML & CSS, were given free access to all the lessons of HTML & CSS on Progate for 40 hours.

4.) Shared about 24 hours of python

5.) Shared about 7 days of code

This 7 days challenge was for students who wanted to start their web development journey. By the end of this challenge, students understood the web development process. They learned Command Line and Git (must-have skills for any developer) also the fundamentals of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. At last, they deployed their own website to Github.

Perks of being a Student Volunteer at Progate

I had the best experience while working as a Student Volunteer at Progate. While working with the Progate community, I gained a lot of confidence and community experience. I was able to fulfill my desire to improve things. I reached out to people and helped them learn to program easily. Also, volunteering provides a great opportunity to meet the right people. You get to meet a lot of people with similar interests.

Below are some tokens of appreciation that I have received from Progate🏆

Student Volunteer Badge
Appreciation Certificate for hosting the session
Certificate of Volunteering

I would like to thank Yashraj Nayak & Debanjona Bhattacharjya for their constant support & guidance. You both made my journey a lot easier. I enjoyed & learned every day working as a Student Volunteer at Progate. It was a great experience.

Connect with me on Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter.

For more updates on Progate in the future, follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.



Mansi Jain

Beta Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador | Community Intern at Progate | CS undergrad at ASET, Noida